Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Something i've been thinking about.

It’s been ages since i’ve done a good blog. Been so busy with distractions. Couple of weeks and I should be free of that for a bit.

Anyways, I have a question. I want to know why it is on the new Intel Duo Core Processor ads, that there’s a freakin woman dancing around? I’ve been into computers for many years now, and I can honestly say that I’ve never felt the urge to do that. If I do, someone shoot me.

Another genius thing I saw on TV the other night was with David Hick’s kid, they asked him what he thought a terrorist was. His response was “someone who wears a tea towel on their head.” I don’t think there needs to be much said about that. The thoughtless stereotype speaks for itself.

Heh it’s interesting to note, going back to the Intel ad, how it seems more cool now to be into computers than it was in the Revenge of the Nerds days.

Ok, enough procrastination, back to the study, BFN

Monday, May 28, 2007

Ainstech support, at your service.

So, have had the most unproductive last 5 or so days. Ended up in hospital for a couple of them, overnighters.

Have to get a start on studying for exam. Have had a total of 8 hours sleep in the last 3 days. Am very tired .

Spent the arvo today setting up a friends internet for him. I’m so not a tech support person. I’m like, i’ll show you once, and if you don’t get it, don’t blame me for getting stabby. So he says yeah he has it, i get home, having tea and phone rings. argh. I need to be more patient with ppl *Nods*. I’m selectively patient.

I got a D for my Anthropology assignment so very chuffed about that :D

Ok, am going to go clean up my desk and bookshelf and think I shall curl up in bed for a quiet one. BFN.

Friday, May 25, 2007

T3h G33k Qu3En StRiK3z AgAiN

Ok, so now i have fully configured my irssi so that i’m connected to all servers and can detach when I want and still remain on IRC.

Next thing I need to do is buy UPS. Then will have to configure it all again I guess.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Ok, didn’t think that I personally would go any geekier than sshing. But no, now i’m ircing via irssi. I like it. It’s weird.

Al-Qaeda Torture Manual Found & Released by DoD (***Warning Graphic***)


Al-Qaeda Torture Manual Found & Released by DoD (***Warning Graphic***).

Scary stuff.

Now playing: unknown - 2007-05-22 - 09:00

Now playing: unknown - 2007-05-22 - 09:00

Now playing: unknown - 2007-05-22 - 09:00

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I have an idea :D

I love tired ramblings. I’ve finally thought of a new idea for one of my domain names. More to come soon :D

Wasting time.

Just wasting a few hours before I have to go have an op on my foot. Doc says I should only be in for 3 nights. Had a crap night sleep, woke up at 2 am, and been awake since and fasting. Am badly wanting a can of coke.

Have got all my stuff packed to take with me to keep me occupied. Although I’m going batty already at the idea. Ramones is playing along in my head atm. 20 20 24 hours to goooo I wanna be sedated…

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Wish there were more people like Janis Joplin in the world. I always feel relaxed when listening to her.

Now playing: Janis Joplin - Me & Bobby McGee

Now playing: Janis Joplin - Me & Bobby McGee

Now playing: Janis Joplin - Ball & Chain

Gifts from afar

As I said in my last post, Trav got me some Buddhist iconography from his trip to Bhutan and Thailand.

I’ve made it a point that every chance I get, I’m going to get a souvenir of the religious iconography of that country.

He gave me a few Buddha statues, Elephant statue and Prayer Flags.

I’ve now adorned my bookshelf with these items. Speaking of bookshelf, purchased my books for semester two today. I have about 7 books coming in the mail now \o/. Am eager to see what’s on the recommended reading list too.


Serenity now.

I have decided that family gatherings are just seances. In various cultures seances are used as tools to bring out the truth about matters. It seems to me that the family gatherings in which I am obligated to partake as part of being a member of a family unit, is to bring out what I like to call StabbyAins.

It’s interesting that people bring up matters, and then when those issues are responded to, they don’t like the answer, which I find surprising. It gets to a point where in the end they’ve annoyed me that much that I just say what I think about certain people and then they wonder why i’ve reacted in such a manner. Yes, I”m a horrible person.

Or am I? I feel like when I’m like this, that yes I am a horrible person. Are my normal moods and facade, just that, a facade? I think that’s what makes me most angsty is that when I get like this, they don’t seem to be surprised by my reactions?

It must be like the oracles in Zande life. They’re only considered powerful in an oracle situation. Maybe i’m just a horrible person in these situations and normally not. Who knows. Now i’m thinking too much :P

Trav got me some lovely Buddhist iconography that’s now sitting on my shelf.

Didn’t get to go have lunch with James n Julia today because of this family thing. I’ve decided that I need to move out. I know i’d be a nicer person overall if I didn’t feel that I was obligated to be in these situations. If it were a situation where they called me to ask if I could come, I could say no, and then I would feel better.

Anyway, need to stop the brain thinking, BFN

Friday, May 18, 2007

Here's the Scientology video

Hi all, thanks to someone who commented on my last post, here’s the link to the Scientology video I was talking about.


As you can see, what has been publicised is of course only half of the story. I’m not sure how people think they can portray themselves as people to be taken seriously when things like this occur.


BBC and Scientology

For anyone reading this, I’ve been trying to find the full video of what led to the journalist on the BBC going nuts at the Scientologist he was interviewing.

The Scientologists would have you believe that the journalist was in the wrong. As I have only seen the part where he goes nuts, I would like to see the whole story to see how they antagonised him. Cheers, Ainslee

Friday, May 11, 2007

I smell of cigarettes

Went out for drinks last night with Shelley, her sis Bec whom I hadn’t seen in years, James and a few of their friends.

Had the best meal I’d had in ages at Irish Murphy’s. Mee Goreng. James had an Irish Coffee to finish off the dinner. I had a sip, and *ergh*, i’m shuddering just thinking about it.

I don’t know if i’d been to that pub before or not, but it was an excellent place. None of this, i dress cooler than you crap. I had about 4 or 5 shots of vodka which at first I was a tad scared of trying, but damn they’re yummy.

I feel like such an old fart, was home by about 10. I remember getting in the house and mum was watching something. So i went past her as studiously as I could to mask the inebriation. I haven’t been drunk in ages. Last time was my friends hens night over a year ago. I have to say I like my personality moreso when I’m drunk. I’m less worried about how i’m acting, which isn’t such a good thing :P But i’m more relaxed which is good. I smell of cigarettes although I know I didn’t smoke, and didn’t think I was around anyone who was smoking.

Was great catching up with Shell and Bec like that. Shelley goes back next week  Going to have to save up and go on a trip methinks. Let’s see how this pans out.

Ok, enough procrastination. I think i’ll have some greasy pizza for lunch and then try n do some study.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

How will the budget effect you?


Income Tax Calculator - Yahoo!7 Money Matters.

If you want to find out how the budget will effect you, check this out.

Also, got my Treo 750 in the mail today :D It’s so purdy. Spent more time playing with it than studying, although I still got all my study done. Am reading about witch-craft at the moment. I love uni :D

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Making a different for the next generation :D

Well, I’ve finally made my dent on the world in making a difference. I recently got stabby over the treatment of one of my subjects at uni. I felt that it was scantily taught and for reasons that I did not feel belonged in an academic institution.

My lecturer notifies me that he’s going to rewrite it for next year :D