Thursday, July 26, 2007

A post before bed.

Was going to post last night, but got swamped under by study. So now I have forgotten what I was going to post about. Oh well, can’t have been that interesting.

Am in major mood for hugs right now. Which I can’t stand being in such moods when they aren’t readily available.

I thought I’d have some good news to post about, but I don’t. Applied for a job, which I didn’t get because I screwed up on the interview.

Yesterday was a good day of study, I had wanted to do more than Anthropology, but alas, have had to postpone Philosophy. Did some tonight, but have a headache and other distractions going on, so have got only a small amount of what I wanted to get done, done.

Anyway, too tired to write much else, am fighting of a migraine and wading through the fogginess of codeine.


Friday, July 20, 2007

Why abortion should be legalised.

I heard about this during the week, but when I read this article I actually cried. Just the thought of a) what the mother must have been going through to go to this measure, and b) how scared the child must have been, if it lived past birth for long.

If people cannot see that legalising abortion would lower the rate of this happening, they are burying their heads in the sand. It won’t stop it from happening as there will always be people who will err about getting an abortion, but with legalising it, at least we will remove some of the stigma that goes along with it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Ok, so at first i thought WTF, then someone pointed out to me the relevance of this hair cut. Now i’m oddly impressed….

Friday, July 13, 2007

General philosophical wonderings

I’ve started studying for the semester, so my brain is in fine form at the moment. As i’m doing the two majors, Philosophy and Anthropology, there is something about the two that are in conflict with each other that I am trying to reconcile.

On the one hand, you have Anthropology, the study of mankind. We are taught that humans are social beings. If this is the case, why do people such as Hume and Sartre believe respectively that we are in a state of nature that is on the brink of war and that hell is other people? Is it that our human nature yearns to be social with others, but this then brings up conflicts that ruin these social relationships? Are we really social beings? Or is this just a pipe dream?

Mitchell Henderson - Encyclopedia Dramatica

Mitchell Henderson - Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Not sure what to make of this. James told me about this last night. On the one hand it fascinates me how trends evolve on the internet. Such as the use of an instead of a when talking on the internet.

On the other hand, I find it sad that a boy who had been bullied (note, it wasn’t just because he lost his Ipod) committed suicide and then it’s made a joke out of. I can see the humor in it if it’s just because of something material, but there was more to it than that.

Makes me wonder how people would react if the same thing happened to someone they loved.


I got my uni results last night. I got a D for both Anthropology and Philosophy. Very chuffed about that :D Am on track for getting into Honours still at the moment.

Last night James and I had Japanese. I had Yakitori and California Rolls, James had something else and California Rolls also. They were delicious.

Am getting an early start on my study today. We have pretty much everything available for the semester online for my Philosophy subject so may as well get a head start on it. We have our essay questions which I can’t wait to do. It’s all Political Philosophy (ie how we should live). Haven’t felt this excited about study in quite some time. Not that I haven’t enjoyed my other subjects, but there’s something about this type of Philosophy that I love.

The Simpsons movie is out this month. Also can’t wait for that.

Not much else to share at the moment. More later, BFN

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Got some good news on Monday. More about that next week :D


Maybe i need to harden the fuck up. Get stabby however at people using me as a point of reference to make jokes or comments or take what I say and ridicule it when I am trying to at least make an effort of contributing to conversation. Am also tired at the pointing out the differences. Yes it’s blatantly obvious and something that I personally don’t like being highlighted for humors sake. Sue me, but I like it when people accept me for me.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind people asking questions, and it being talked about casually. If people are genuinely interested because they care, I also don’t mind that. I do however mind when it’s a point of reference constantly, it makes me know that people are not seeing me for me and I am constantly reminded that I am not like them, I am in some way not right. Or am I not me without that?  Am I foolish in thinking that it’s a separate entity to me?

– EMO enough for you?

The stupidity of people

The stupidity/carelessness of people never ceases to amaze me.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Awareness raisers.

I want to get others opinions on awareness raisers such as Live Earth. Are they really effective? What’s a better way of dealing with these issues?

What do you think?

One of the many reasons we should choose what we buy.

Perfect example of why we should be careful about where we buy from.

Something to watch - and a bit more


Found this whilst browsing YouTube and found it both clever and interesting. It’s interesting how we perceive people based on external influences. If we took the time to learn about people ourselves, our lives would be so much more enriched. That’s why i’m so excited to be able to study Anthropology. I’m learning so much about people that I didn’t know anything about, or I had preconceived notions based on what i’d been taught, which didn’t necessarily mean it was true.

Been watching documentaries all day today. Watched a documentary firstly on Noah’s Ark. I try to keep my mind open about these things, but the fact that he was supposedly 500 years old when he was on the ark, seems a tad unrealistic to me.

Also watched an interesting documentary on the Mennonites in Mexico. It was about whether or not they should give into modern technology to better their lives. Some chose not to, some did. The part that has stuck in my mind is when a family went into town and the boys saw television. Even though I personally think children don’t need to be in front of a television all of the time, it made me sad to think that these children were in awe of this and almost looked sad or not quite sad, but there was a different emotion on their face because of this experience.

Last night James and I had those yummy dippers from Pizza Hut. They were delicious.

Today it’s a tad freezing. So just veging out watching stuff i’ve recorded and bludging doing nothing much else.

Check out the Jason Mraz channel on YouTube when you get a chance.


p.s. The Simpsons movie is here in 20 days!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Concert leaves Monkeys cold - World -

It’s about time. Yes the idea of live Earth is interesting, as was Live 8 and of course Live Aid. It raises awareness on issues that our governments should be addressing. But as one of people in this article point out, there’ll be the power of 10 houses for just stage lighting alone. If they want to try and do something for the cause, they should be doing something that at least has some kind of credibility to it.

I personally don’t like Angelina Jolie, but that’s a personal thing. I do however like what she does for humanitarian causes. This is the kind of thing that needs to be done, Putting money where mouths are. Angelina said in one interview that a third of her income goes to overseas causes because of the ridiculous amount of money she earns. This is the kind of thing I respect no matter the person. This is why I sponsor my two kids overseas, because I know that this is the kind of support that gets things done. Not playing music.

Jason Mraz - I'm Yours

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Wow, a decent Pink song.

Just downloaded a decent Pink song. I feel rather dirty saying that she has a decent song out :P The one called Mr President, is probably the only good song she’s ever had out. I’ve never really bothered to give any of the other stuff a chance. It’s a good song, and I’d love to know what the response from George W. would be. Of course, we’ll never know.

Uni starts back in a week and a half. Besides that, not much else going on. Am just about to go and do some exercise to get myself fit. Wish me luck, BFN