Saturday, June 30, 2007


I’ve decided to organise my life a bit better. I’ve written out a list of what I want to do with my degree.

I used to think that writing out plans for your life was pointless. Now I find that they are somewhat comforting, they give me something to aim for, if nothing else.

Friday, June 29, 2007

The enlightenment

Hate self stabbyness moods. Ran into an old friend last night who happened to tell me they’d ran into another friend when they were over here recently. Mum had commented to me that she was surprised I hadn’t heard from this friend. I just shrugged it off. After last night I’ve got stabby at myself, I don’t know, maybe it’s not me, more likely it is. Yet another one of those moods asking questions of myself that I either don’t want to answer or can’t find the answer to.

Am I a fraud and others just haven’t caught onto the real me yet?

Wow, what a blog worthy post, full of angst and all. meh.

Yet another one for James

This one's for James

Why do they allow morons to become parents?,23599,21993430-2,00.html

This is an article about an American man who shot his kids up with heroin and cocaine so that they would know how he felt when he did it.

Not only is this a form of abuse on it’s own, but one of the children has contracted Hepatitis C as a result. This guy got 10 years jail for this.

This seriously makes me question constantly how on earth people can become parents. Yes it’s easy physically to become a parent, but there has be some change, ie some kind of licence to do it. You have to have a licence to drive, own a gun etc. You should have to have a licence to become a parent. 10 years is far too light in this case, although I will bite my tongue in saying what I feel should happen to him. There should be a thorough screening process before someone is allowed to become a parent. I thought the whole monitoring babies recently in the news was a bad idea, but frankly I have changed my mind. There should be a psychological and drug test that the future parents need to pass before they’re allowed.

I look forward to the day when science allows us to make it possible to prevent the biological process of reproduction until this kind of test has been passed. Once the couple in question have passed, they should then be implanted with something that enables them to reproduce.


Feminists wanting equality.,23600,21982532-2,00.html To start off with, here’s a recent article about an all-women political party that has been released on Wednesday. Some of the comments are interesting, but personally I do not see the point in having an all one gender political  party. If what people are fighting for is equality, then they should be practising equality. I went to a co-ed school and found it good for me socially. I felt more comfortable talking to the guys than I did the girls. I do not believe that we should be trying to fight for equality by making a gender specific party. This in my opinion, is a step backwards and not forwards towards the aim that these people supposedly want. We both have different qualities that enhance each others lives, and when e find things that seem to quash these things, we should enjoy the struggle. In working together, will we only be able to achieve the aim of equality. By segregating, we are doing just the opposite, so it seems fruitless to me.

I went on an Officeworks spree last night for next semester. Also opened up my email today to find information about Honours program when I finish this degree. Very chuffed about that. Anyway, am going to go and read it a bit more thoroughly. BFN

Thursday, June 28, 2007


I read something rather interesting today. The article in question is located it,23600,21975434-5007146,00.html

Basically the gist is about a man talking about why he has chosen not to have kids. Some of the comments have surprised me. Personally I don’t want children. I love my nephews to bits, but for various reasons, I don’t want to bring children of my own into the world. The worst reason would be because it’s what i’m expected to do . The first reason is though that i’m too immature, and the second is that I do not want to risk passing on my disability to a child. That would just be cruel to put a child through that unnecessarily. I, like the author of this article, hate it when people think they are far more superior than I because they have children. They have simply chosen another path in life, mine is to focus on things like my study, relationship etc.

The other interesting article is at,23599,21978876-2,00.html

It shouldn’t surprise me or shock me, yet it does. The CIA doing experiments to this extreme, and they make out that Mengler was bad. Sure he was, but the CIA are just as bad. One incident talks about a girl who was experimented on so as to create multiple personalities. What frightens me is that this is stuff you think only happens in movies. Also the other part that frightens me is that they are allowed to get away with this. One rule for them, another for us.

It makes me question the different political parties and which would be best, but I am sure that this stuff would unfortunately still go on, no matter what party is in power.

The world is too frustrating at times.

Friday, June 22, 2007

A theory of mine

I came up with a theory last night on how to solve the problem of energy. Lately there’s been major discussions over nuclear energy versus other kinds. So here’s my solution:

Take all the criminals, and use their body gas (farts) to generate power. I’ve been on the receiving end of some shocking smelling farts in my time, so I think that this idea could work. Give them something that would mean that they’d be continually farting. We’d not have to worry about ruining our environment with nuclear energy etc. Some of you may be saying that nuclear energy is the cleanest of all. Sure, until nuclear power falls into the wrong hands and things go boom.


Yes, I have no coke :(

The Cure is touring! Although I have a strange feeling it will be when I’m away on holidays. Will have to check this out. I think out of all the bands I’ve seen this will definitely top the list.

My three weeks of holiday bliss is over. Back to work on Monday.

Was going to go the the museum with James last week but got a bit cold so will leave that till it gets warmer. We basically had a lazy week, but those are the ones I enjoy. First week, I went to a bbq with James to meet a bunch of his friends which was nice. The next week I had an exam which I’m confident I passed and then last week James and I both had the week off and bludged. There was many a dodgy movie to be watched. We still have heaps more to get through. We watched Bad Taste, Legacy of Rage, The Hebrew Hammer, No Retreat No Surrender, some other cheesy but excellent movie of the same vein with Billy Blanks in it, and then to top it off some Sarah Silverman. Funny stuff.

Was too cold to eat out too much so we ate out at a Turkish restaurant and then just ordered in. Will hopefully get to a Japanese restaurant on Friday for some Sushi.

It’s 10:47 am and i’m already getting droopy eyes. There’s no caffeine in the house at present. *shakes*.

Think I might spend today finding other stuff to go on ebay.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wow, I have spare time.

This is weird, I have finally finished all of my work for the semester. Usually what I do, is if I know I have an exam for one subject, I tend to leave some of the work for the other subject, if it’s not assess-able of course, until I have finished my exam. Not only does it give me a bit of a filler between semesters, but it helps me keep focus on the impending exam. So now that I have finished all my reading, I’m pondering what to do.

My gut reaction is to start reading my book for my next semesters work. It’s on Bedouin culture in Egypt. Not sure of the other readings for my philosophy subject, as the book list hasn’t been released yet.

I went shopping recently and got a few nice jumpers and pairs of trackie pants. Had to exchange a few but got a nice couple of tops in exchange. Also purchased Plato’s Republic. I have a book full of things I should be reading. I started to read 7 Habits, it’s very interesting. I need to finish books before I start others though.

Ok, I think I should stop procrastinating, yet again, and put some clothes away. BFN.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mapping out my life :D

Ok, so I think I have my life a tad more organised now. Not that it wasn’t before, I just like to set out a path of where I’m going so that I don’t let myself be distracted by things that aren’t worth the time.

So, once I finish my Bachelor of Arts, I want to complete my Certificate in Arts and Science. After that, I want to do Honours in Bachelor of Arts, and finally i want to do my Master of Arts. So, if I keep doing it all at the pace i’m doing, i’ll be finished by 2017. If i miraculously come into some money, I can take some time off work and do that a tad quicker.

James and I are off to the Melbourne Museum on Tuesday. I can’t wait. I haven’t been to the museum since I was a kid so am feeling like a kid all over again in anticipation.

Meeting a few uni people on Thursday too so that should be good.

Anyways, i should go and do something productive with my day. BFN :D

Retail therapy

I did a bit of retail therapy today. I’ve decided that i’m a shopaholic. I go into a shop, I see a bunch of stuff I want, and instead of thinking, hrm, should i get this, or can I afford this, I just grab. Not that I can’t afford it at the moment, I just get moods where buying things gives me a rush and because of that rush that I get, I want to keep going because that rush makes me feel good. It only backfires when later on I realise I don’t really have the money. Thankfully i’ve been budgeting so that’s no longer a problem.

I want to start reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People tonight. I have this niggling thing at the moment which I’m hoping the book might be able to somewhat answer for me. I keep doing this habit where, if something bad happens, or if something doesn’t go to plan, not to any fault of my own, I automatically think that it’s because of me that it’s happened. That it must be me that is the reason for things not going to plan, and if I were in some way different, or a better or more likeable person, things would go to plan. I’m hoping that once I read this book I can get out of this pathetic train of thought. It makes me stabby at myself to have such self depreciating thoughts. I find that a) they’re a waste of time being in my head, and b) when i’m being like this, and worrying so much, i’m no fun to be around, and so the cycle continues. At least i’m not just wallowing in it all, and I do want to do something about StabbyAins. BFN.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Is there something that is at fault in my own character, when I get annoyed at sheep like behaviour?

Haven’t got much done today. Put stuff on ebay, and am currently trying to read some left over uni stuff but finding that as motivated as I should be. Something else i’m kind of stabby over. Why is it that when it’s something that I choose to do, i’m not as motivated over something that I *have* to do? BFN

Monday, June 11, 2007

Exams over for semester :D

Just had my exam for this semester. Was an anthropology one. I love how I worry myself that I won’t go well, to the point that I over-study  There was a heap of stuff that I studied for that wasn’t even on the exam. So now it’s just a matter of waiting until July 13th for results. Am going to do a bit of cleaning up now and finishing some other work. BFN

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A perfect day

Here’s an example of one of my ideas of a perfect day.

Home alone, listening to music up loud and to top it off, finding a CD that you haven’t listened to years that is absolutely kick ass – The Tea Party, Transmission.

There are other forms of a perfect day, but this is one of them :D.

Not to mention, i have an exam tomorrow that i’m feeling very excited about now. Bye bye nerves!

Oh, and Happy Birthday James! <3 :D

Saturday, June 9, 2007


I hate wanting hugs. EOM.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Note to the world

Here’s a handy hint for people out there. Just because you don’t have any emails, doesn’t necessarily mean your email is broken. It may simply be because no one has sent you any emails.

Friday, June 1, 2007

3 weeks of bliss

Today starts my 3 weeks of rec leave. Going to study for exams for the first week, sit exam second week and bludge with James third week :D

Speaking of James, yesterday he bought me a present :D


I have so many great books sitting on my bookshelf now that I need to get into reading. Will be good at the end of the year, if I don’t do summer classes, I’ll spend some time reading all of these books.

Last night James n I ordered in Noodlebox, that was delicious.

I’m pondering if I should study today or procrastinate and start studying on Monday.

Anyways, this in itself is procrastination, so going to go be a bit more productive :D BFN